the singing of time is required for the opening of the flowers,
for the Alliance way, some stages, until the eternal ‘yes’.
A first meeting with You, O Lord, in the solitude and silence
in one or more retreats in the monastery.
Some months of postulancy in the bosom of the community,
in the abandonment of the world and of self,
for the contemplation of Your Face.
Till the clothing of compunction and the wanting of You,
with the widen of the self liberty in Your infinite liberty,
discovering in the years of novitiate Your sweetness
in love’s docility.
The first gift of the whole being to Your goodness,
with the clothing of a habit of laud:
the temporary profession,
an oblation of love in the most humble things;
Easter of the dead to themselves, who revive in You, O Beloved.
The time of fullness comes,
the long way of desire reaches to the door of your heart. . .
Behold the ‘yes’ of the total union: the monastic solemn profession,
behold the Amen that trails the soul in this great Mystery:
Your eternal Alliance with the Church, O Christ.
Life may be engulfed in this heart and flutter in him:
The Spirit, in the desert, has stripped him of everything,
now he’s free so as to be Yours.
The Alliance is settled,
But our way to be more Yours didn’t finish:
to leave always behind ourselves the appearances of things
and the deceit of the ephemeral desires
so as to refuge in the Heart of the Eternal
in an Easter without end,
to become the Son, entirely turn towards the Father
in the incessant exchange of the Spirit,
praise of glory in the Uni-Trinity.
~ I Colori del Silenzio ~