11 May 2009

Prayer Before A Crucifix

O my God,
Thou forgavest the executioners who nailed Thee to the Cross,
And I hope Thou wilt not deny me the same favor.
I therefore embrace Thy holy Cross with fervent love,
and most humbly, devoutly and reverently adore Thee,
my God, my Lord and my Savior,
crowned with thorns,
pierced with nails,
bruised with blows,
covered with wounds and blood,
and suffering numberless pains
which I a miserable and ungrateful sinner have caused by my sins.
Why indeed does Thy precious Blood flow so abundantly?
It is because, like a grape in the winepress,
Thou art crushed under the very heavy weight of my innumerable transgressions.
Why so many Wounds?
Because I have committed so many sins,
and have increased the number of my faults,
Thou hast increased the number of Thy Wounds.
But notwithstanding my sins,
I do not in any way despair of obtaining Thy pardon and Thy mercy,
and with my heart filled with confidence,
I acknowledge my guilt
since Thou hast given me so many proofs of Thy mercy.
Therefore, O good Jesus,
I reflect not only on the love Thou hast for Thy friends,
but above all on that Thou showest towards Thy enemies.
I love to think of the kindness
that made Thee pray for those who offered Thee the grossest insults
and nailed Thee to the Cross.
I beseech Thee, O Lord,
let this prayer avail also for my poor soul.

I have crucified Thee; but not through malice.
It was rather through weakness.
I have not sinned with the intention of insulting Thee,
but to give my senses the satisfaction they demanded.
I beseech Thee then cast a look of mercy on me a poor creature,
who in anguish of heart prostrate myself before Thy Cross.
I would not indeed pierce Thee with nails,
but I would fain pierce
and wound Thy Heart by my humble prayers
and the burning darts of my desires and my love.
In mercy grant that from Thy Feet, Thy Hands, from all Thy Wounds,
one drop, one single drop of Thy Blood may fall on my suffering soul,
and I shall be saved. Amen.

~Dom John of Torralba~