The amount of sorrow our Blessed Mother has accepted on behalf of sinful mankind is astronomical. Saint Bonaventure cries out: “It is by your protection, O Blessed Virgin, that the world is preserved; this world that God made from the beginning in concert with you” (De Laudibus Virginis).
Recall what our Lady said to the children of La Salette: “If my people will not submit, I will be obliged to let fall the Arm of my Son. It weighs so heavily upon me that I can no longer bear it. How long have I suffered for you, O my people! If my Son is not to abandon you, I must pray to Him unceasingly.”
At the Cross Jesus said to His Mother, “Woman, behold thy Son.” And to His beloved disciple He said: “Behold thy Mother.” Mary’s spiritual maternity to us all has been declared. It is from her sorrows, from her heart, pierced by a sword, that we were born her spiritual children, delivered into her maternal care, into a life of grace. The sorrowful Passion of her Son, and Mary’s consent due to her perfect conformity to the Divine will, is how we were born into this life of grace.
From the Rosary, especially in the Sorrowful Mysteries, we can ask our Lady to reveal her sorrowful and Immaculate Heart to us. And since she prays to her Son unceasingly, count on her being present in Eucharistic Adoration. She adores Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament with perfection and she is our teacher on how to adore. Upon your next visit before the Monstrance or Tabernacle, listen very intently in the silence of your heart, and wait for those beautiful words of Jesus, assuring you of Mary’s presence as well, as He says to her: “Woman, behold your son/daughter” – and to you – “Son/daughter, behold your Mother.”
These glorious words are found among the writings of the Carthusian Order: “When we come to die, our sovereign Judge will ask this question of the angel whose care it has been to bring us to the Judgment Seat, ‘To whom does this soul belong; whose livery does it wear?’ If the answer is, ‘Mary’s,’ Jesus will at once say, ‘Then give to My Mother what belongs to her.’ To give us to Mary is to open heaven to us.”