30 April 2010

The Heart of Jesus is the Book of Divine Love

This reflection on the Sacred Heart of Jesus was written by Dom Peter van Blommeveen who was Prior of the Carthusian charterhouse in Cologne from 1506 to 1536. He was born in Leyden, the Netherlands. His Latin name has appeared as Petrus Blœmenvenna or Petrus Leydensis. He was a mystic and ascetic who published several works in defence of the Roman Catholic Church, as he lived during the time of the Protestant Reformation. Here is his Carthusian-centred reflection on the Sacred Heart of Jesus:

Eat this book . . . and I did eat it; and it was sweet as honey in my mouth. ~ Ezekiel 3:1, 3

‘Go forth, daughters of Zion, and see (the King). . . in the day of the joy of His Heart’ (Canticle of Canticles 3:11). Carthusian soul, daughter of contemplation, come out of yourself, and behold Jesus crowned in the day of the joy of His Heart. The heart rejoices when its desires are fulfilled. And what does the Heart of Jesus desire? It desires our salvation, and finds Its happiness therein.

Our Lord has given us many proofs of the truth of His Resurrection in order to increase our faith and kindle our love. One of these is His having appeared to the disciples bearing the scars of His five Wounds. By this He has made known to us His love. See, He said, My Feet, My Hands and My Side; read in My Wounds, learn and understand how great is My love for you.

This mystic book -- which is no other than Jesus Himself -- is printed with the most precious Blood of God, and the types employed are the Saviour’s Wounds. Now Jesus gives the perusal of this book especially to His Carthusians. He wishes us to be the servants of His private apartments, and the interpreters of His most secret thoughts. He would have us Carthusians always in His presence, and chiefly occupied in reading this book of the Saviour’s Wounds.

Yes! Read Jesus, relish this reading; and in each of the five Wounds read the incentive to and the means of leading a new life.

The scars of our Redeemer's Feet tell us to trample underfoot all that is human and earthly, so that we may love only those things which He loves.

The Wounds of the Hands of Jesus show us how He has acted. With one hand He took up obedience, and with the other patience. He worked for our salvation, ‘becoming obedient unto death; even to the death of the Cross’ (Philippians 2:8).

In the Wound of the Side, which leads us to the Heart of Jesus, and is the outward representation of the Wound of that Heart, read the love of Jesus, a love that can never be surpassed by any other love. It is only in beholding this Wound of the Heart that you will realize the great love of God for you, and see how much Jesus has loved you, since He has given His life for us poor sinners.

Jesus risen shows to us this mortal Wound of His Heart. You who read there, profit thereby, and love Jesus with all your heart.